Orders are usually processed and shipped within 5 business days.
Orders are shipped through USPS based off weight
2-5 business days to arrive BUT with Covid-19 packages may be delayed.
USPS First Class starts at $3.18 (possible free upgrade to Priority Mail)
USPS Priority Mail starts at $11.40 (includes up to $100 USPS insurance)
All orders come with a tracking number.
Due to Covid-19, shipping is limited to certain countries.​
Canada ​
1-3 months to arrive ​BUT with Covid-19 packages may be delayed.
USPS First Class starts at $12.25
If there is a mistake or your product was damaged during shipping, please contact me so we can began the process of replacing your product.
I do not accept exchanges or returns. Cancellations must be requested within 45 minutes of the order.
Last Updated: Aug 10, 2020